Friday, June 28, 2019

2 min. VIDEO -- The gig economy is killing people'

'Platform workers' are literally dying on the job.
As ever, the working class have to risk their lives for the profits of the ruling class. This is capitalism.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Another new review of my book --"Slow Travels in Unsung Spain"

Someone called 'Avidreader' is kind enough to write on Amazon:

"A hispanophile travels across various hidden corners of Spain, holding dialogue with marginalised Spaniards on the way. 

A unique and quirky account of his journey, with a clear and consistent voice. I read it in one sitting. 

Hetherington's general knowledge of Spain's twentieth history and current political situation is excellent. His love of the country, in spite of its inherited prejudices and social inadequacies is evident. 

A very interesting read!"

Sunday, June 16, 2019

"Nationalists Fail to Join Forces in European Parliament"

 "The Brexit Party won more seats than either Ms. Le Pen’s or Mr. Salvini’s parties, potentially giving Mr. Farage a claim to lead a united group. However, French and Italian euroskeptics feared that if Britain leaves the EU this year, Brexit would leave their group in disarray because U.K. lawmakers will automatically lose their seats..."

Read more from source here.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

"The moment Britain changed" -- My latest opinion column for Catalonia Today magazine