Saturday, November 3, 2018

"From Boys to Men" -- My upcoming workshop for teen boys in Barcelona

[Collage: John French]

How can Teen boys grow personally and develop their identity in a positive way? What role does gender play in the development for boys? What is masculinity today?  

As author of The Remade Parent, as well as being a former secondary school teacher and father of a teenage boy, I am leading this interactive and engaging 2 hour workshop where your son, from the age of 11 to 15, will explore what becoming a young man in today’s world means for both himself and his relationships.

This time spent together will include open dialogue, personal growth/trust exercises and professional mentoring in a safe environment.

Details: 13 November, 18.30 - 20.30 (Address: Calle Teodora Lamadrid, specifics To Be Supplied on request.)

Investment: 20€
Places limited 
To reserve, contact co-host: or WhatsApp Niki a message on 639781994

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